Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Food FAIL to food PREP

I have always found it hard to eat right. I could substitute white flour, sugar, potato. And use wheat, or substitute sugars.
  I never could find the right foods to buy. I need things laid out for me. Exact food and amount to eat. I never found it easy.
  I am on a 90 day program. Exercise. I felt if I could do it for a month or two then work on nutrition I would feel better. Baby steps not changing everything at once. I have done it!! So I was on search for a food prep I could do.
  I found this page where. She explained what she did for food prep it was so easy I thought I should give it a try.
  1 cup veggies
   1/2 cup of complex carbs
  4 oz of meat

You need to eat 5 meals a day. I am starting to get up to that. I feel good if I eat these meals 2 Times a day. For supper I try and stick to this as well.
  I hope this can help you as much as it helped me.

Have a great day
Moma Tawnya

Saturday, March 14, 2015

challengers up!!

Clean eating. I have heard so many reasons why they don't eat clean. I myself have said those things.
1. It is too expensive to eat healthy
2. My kids won't eat it
3. I don't like veggies or fruit.
4. I don't know how.

Like I said before I too thought of these things. The one that I still at times have a hard time with is the price.My family is a low income family and we have struggled to buy enough food let alone healthy foods. If you plan it out right it isn't that bad. I have gone to publix and came out cheaper with just clean foods then if I added my husbands snacks and soda. I am trying to stop drinking soda!! It is a thing I am working on. But 80% to 20% so if my 20% is soda for now I am ok working towards 100% clean.

My kids prefer to eat clean. In this picture I brought them over a plate of sweet and sour chicken, and fries. They wouldn't eat it. I went up again and brought them a plate of fruit oranges, honey dew melons, cantaloupe and a couple other things. They ate the whole plate. If I give them a plate of veggies too they would eat it better then eating what most kids eat fried foods and fake chicken or fish.

Another tip I have is if you introduce something a little at a time with things you do like. Before long you will be eating it. I have done this with almond milk, avacodo, onions and shrimp. I wanted to eat these things but didn't like the taste of them. Know I love them ALL. If you change the way you think about food. It will be easy to be eating clean. I started out putting a little bit of whole wheat flour in with white flour for pancakes and know ALL we eat is whole wheat everything. Pasta, bread, flour. IT takes time but You can do it!!

I am hosting a FREE clean eating challenge where I will share with you tips and shopping lists and diffrent meal ideas for clean eating. That alone is worth the 7 days. I am passionate about helping others with fitness and clean eating. I have wrote a eBook about it!!

Click on this link to sign up and message me on facebook and you will be all set to start this group.

IF you don't know how to get in touch with me on facebook

I look forward to helping you learn how to clean eat and put those myths behind you! You can do it!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lucky FIT

Have you had a hard time finding your Lucky FIT. If its a program or a diet! I know how hard that can be. It isn't easy feeling stuck. I have devoted my time and energy to help you so you don't feel that way. I want you to be able to trust that you are going to get the results you want or need. 

click on the link and share with me the best you can about yourself. I will look over your application and I will get back with you in a timely manner. 

I am hosting a 21 day fitness challenge. Where you will get the help you need on a daily basis. I will share with you tips. We will have the accountability we need to stay on track. I find that if I don't have a group going. I will not be motivated to keep going. I will just like you want to quit if I didn't have someone there to keep me accountable. So I know that it can be hard. 

Meal planning is part of some programs. 21 day fix is a program that is really strict and will help you get the results you need and you don't have to change the way you eat. You just eat out of the containers if it fits you get to eat it. And its allot of food. And each program has a meal plan. When you stick to it you see AMAZING results. Being part of the group helps you with your nutrition. Because you have that accountability. 

Shakeology is a meal replacement that you have one meal covered you don't have to think about it. Its a no brainier. You get all the nutrition your body needs. Its a super food. When I am not on my shakeology I am tired and I want to take a nap. I don't have the energy to play with my kids and I eat crap for food. And that is awful. I don't crave chocolate as bad. If you want to check it out click on the link to read more about it. On my blog.
I recomend it for my challengers because they will never get it that cheap again. And you will see the best results with it.

So again please fill out the form above. And I will get back to you I look foward to talking with you.


Monday, February 23, 2015

a higher calling!!

Have you ever had this calling on your life and didn't know where you needed to go, or what to do about it? Well for yrs know I have had the Ukraine on my heart. I searched about places to help the Ukraine. I am the kind of person who is a hands on type. I am not good at sponsoring someone or to just give to missions. I have always felt the desire to go places. When I strayed from the lord for a couple yrs I felt that I couldn't be that person. That I wasn't meant to be a missionary or go on missions trips. Mainly because I didn't have a strong enough faith to not fall away from the lord. My husband is a great man and will stand behind me in anything I do. Which I think he learned from me. I have stood behind him for the last 10 yrs. And never really did anything for myself. I felt like he should be the one to be the leader of our home. So I just let him, And I also felt that if his relationship with the Lord wasn't strong that how can I go and minister to people. I feel that it must be the devil putting me down. Putting doubts in my mind so I won't do what God whats me to do. Yes I have a higher calling in my life as a wife and a mom. But what about the desire I have to help the Ukraine? And when I was piecing everything together I found that it was for Ukraine Orphans.
I know that may seem odd. But I have found organizations that help just the Ukraine Orphans. And God has lead me to find quite a few. And narrowing down the one to be part of was hard. I want to help them ALL. But for the time being I am going to help bridges of faith. They are in Alabama. I have been following them for yrs. When I moved away from Alabama. I knew one thing that when we decided to move back. I wanted to be part of bridges of faith. I love how they bring Ukraine Orphans over to the USA and bring them to Alabama to stay for one month. Teach them all kinds of things. And show them the LOVE of God. Loving them and showing them a new culture and pray that they would find there forever family. My second desire has been to adopt a Ukraine orphan. I don't know when that will come together or if it ever will. But I know that God has a plan for my life. And I will follow where he leads me. I know I am not traditional. I don't go only where a certain denominational church goes. I have been in ALL different types of churches and denominations I go where I feel a strong desire. A strong pull in that direction. I know that sounds funny. But that is me. Even thou I am a member at a Assembly of God church. I don't feel weird going outside and helping other organizations

.SO I am going to be going on a missions trip to Ukraine this yr. March 21- 29th and I can't wait to see what God has for me there. I know my family will miss me for those 9 days. I do have a great fill in as you may say. Memere (grandmoma) coming to take care of the kids. I am still looking for a fill in or partner for my business when I am away. If you are interested in that please talk to me about it! Its a AT HOME position and I know that is not for everyone but it is my life. And that would be a big relief for me if I found a partner. So I can go on my trip knowing that every part of my life was taken care of. So I can minister to there precious orphans in the Ukraine. If you have read this whole post you have read deep into my heart!! And I thank you. That means you are truly one of my fans. And I thank you. I will share more with you about my trip and what God has given me. I hope you have been blessed reading this.

Have a great Day and I pray you are blessed.

Tawnya Cummings

Friday, February 20, 2015

How much to eat?

I know that for ME, it is hard to keep on track of my meals. I will do good and then I will run somewhere and forget to pack a snack. Then I am at the point where I am binge eating on the road! I forget to eat something before I go. But even at home it is hard for me. I have this picture for me to remember that I need to eat more.

If you are having a hard time to sticking to eating 5 times a day. Try eating every 2 to 3 hours. I first started doing this I would set a timer for me to remember to eat something good for me. I have a snack list. Or I would prepare something for me to eat I just needed to open it and boom there was my meal or snack!!  

What are some tips that you use to eat 5 times a day? I would love to know. I am working on getting myself on track and love to hear diffrent ideas on how to stay on track. Please leave me a comment bellow and tell me what you think. 

Have a FITtastic day!!


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Priorities.. Are you one?

As a wife and mama. I know how hard it is to make yourself a priority. For yrs I would put my husband step daughter before myself. I wanted to be part of there family so bad. When we got married and had three more kids it was that much harder for me! I thought it was wrong if I would workout or dress up nice. Or go to a function like a stamp club and buy things each month.

I started to take time for myself a while back. I joined a challenge group. And that was the best thing I could have ever done!

1. I made a close friend. And she always encourages me.
2. I have the accountability. To keep going on days I don't feel like it!
3. I have a better self worth. Working out and making friends in a group. Is a lifesaver.
4. I am living a healthy fulfilling life.

It is not easy. To be healthy or exercise daily. I feel as long as I am progressing that is better then nothing. We can talk all day long about priorities and how to set them. But it is very important that you make yourself a priority. If you are not at a point where you want to eat healthy and exercise. You can still take something from this. Why not set a certain time a day where you just do things for yourself. It could be taking 30 mins and sit and have a cup of coffee. Or take a luxurious bath when no one is going to be bothering you. Find the thing that makes you relaxed or happy because you where able to do for yourself. Its OK. later that day the kids will need you. Your husband will want you to do for him as well. But if you are at a point where you took care of YOU. Your more apt to be able to serve everyone else and not be grumpy doing it.

If you want any info on challenge groups and where you can be a part of it. Contact me at https://www.facebook.com/MomaTawnyaDynamicfitness

I hope you have a FITtastic day

Tawnya Cummings

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Large family dinners healthy and cheap

I have been on a journey of learning healthy alternatives for years. Then I found the passion for fitness. Between the two I have allot of useful information. I have written a eBook about my experience with feeding a large family on one income. It can be hard and we all can find excuses. To eating right. It cost too much to eat healthy. But we can go to pizza hut and spend thirty dollars or more to get pizza. And that is half a grocery bill and you have plenty of meals for the week. I would love for you to go over to my page and get my eBook. For a short period of time where I am giving away this book for free. Then I will be selling it on amazon. To make a little bit of extra money to help my family.
Click on this link and get your FREE eBook http://eepurl.com/baXBF5