Goals and Their Importance
There are a lot of things you can do in order to start getting goals for yourself, but the first step should always be deciding what it is that you want to accomplish. From this step and forward it gets a little bit easier because you're focused on what you want and not what everyone around you wants. Some other goal setting advice is as follows:
- Don't be vague- meaning if you were wanting to get a horse next year then don't just say I want to get a horse next year instead say I want to buy a three year old Clydesdale gelding. (this will help you find or do EXACTLY what it is that you want.
- Have a realistic time frame for your goals. Don't make it so short that you fail and get discouraged or so long that you give up. You know what drives you, do that.
- Write your goals down somewhere and look at them often. Once a week, every other day, every day. Whatever works for you as long as it's frequent!
- Decide what you need to do in order to achieve your goals and start doing it.
- Have pictures of your goal in places that you look often. Meaning if you want to be fit have a picture of a fit male or female on your desk, in your car, on your mirror, just somewhere that you look frequently.
- Ask others to help keep you accountable. If you are saving money for something start a bank account or open a debit card. Little things to help you stay on track.
setting goals. It's like going grocery shopping without a list. Or
driving aimlessly (not that it isn't fun, but it wastes gas). Stick
to the tips above and stay away from these mistakes and you
will do perfectly in achieving everything you set your mind to!
Hope y'all enjoyed, comment!
-Tawnya Cummings
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