Monday, December 30, 2013

What is your news yrs resolution?

Year after year we all do it. Make new years resolution. Why do we do it? For years I thought I am not going to make one this yr. I never follow threw so why do I need to make one. I think its a commitment issue. I don't know where it started? I learned so much this yr about making goals and sticking them threw! I want my family to grow and have a goal so they can go places with there life. In the bible it says a " The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty." I know that if you fly by the seat of your pants your not going to have abundance. Must likely you are going to have nothing.

What do you do when you have just done that flown by the seat of your pants and you are in a bad spot? I my family the last three yrs have done this. I would love to know what others think is the best way to set goals for life to live on? 

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