8 ways to cut back on junk food intake
Have a clear reason why you want to cut the junk out.
It can be hard to get those favorite foods you have grown to love and are addicted too! Have you ever thought why you crave them so much? I know I have. I had a habit of getting a hunk of pizza and a can of soda. I wondered why I was so determined to get them so badly. Then I found out that the pizza I love so much from this quick mart had msg on it. The soda well that is a story all in it self. So my clear reason for cutting them out of my weekly intake was no MSG and no high fructose corn syrup.
2. Monitor your intake of the junk food.
There are many ways to monitor your intake
Food journal
When you take a look at what you have been eating it can be a eye opener. Sometimes we eat or drink and we where not even thinking about it. I think its our subconscious mind. Or plain out habit. We are creatures of habit.
3. Start by slowly cutting out the junk food.
Some people are just naturally lucky. They can quit something cold turkey. They set in their mind that they are going to quit drinking soda after years of drinking it and poof they stop. There are the rest of us. We fight everyday to stop eating junk, drinking alcohol or soda, and or smoking. We find ourselves having what we said we were not going to have. And the sets us off and we keep having what we said we were not going to have. That is why i suggest not doing it cold turkey if you know you are not dedicated to do it that way. I suggest slowly cutting back. If you drink six sodas a day try cutting back and only having three and drink La croix water instead. It gives you the bubbles you are looking for and it is your water intake. It's a start. You will eventually not be drinking it and you won. You will feel so much better about yourself.
4. Provide healthy alternatives
There are so many things you find that have junk in it and you get upset because it is your favorite food. When I started reading labels of food and drinks that I love I found out why I was so addicted to it. There was MSG or high fructose corn syrup in it and artificial sweetener in it. I remember I was told to cut out white flour, sugar and bread. I didn’t know where to start. I use to have all of that all the time. I would make pancakes for breakfast on the weekends so I started adding whole wheat flour to my recipe and soon I was using only whole wheat flour. That was big. It can seam hard to do but there are some alternatives to our food that we love at the grocery store. My kids love mac and cheese. There is so much in there that I don’t want them to have. So I found some other brands that had so much better ingredients in it. Like Horizons has healthy alternatives to mac and cheese. Milk and other snacks. You can find them if you are determined to change your eating habits.
5. You don’t need to cut it all the way out
We all worry that we won't ever be able to have that soda or candy bar. But you can if you only eat it on a cheat meal. The good rule of thumb is to eat good 80% of the time and 20% is ok to have a cheat meal or snack. I have lived by this I don’t go over the edge when I eat something that isn't on my clean eating list of foods I want to eat or drink.
6. Remove the temptation
If it's still in your house you will eat it. I suggest getting rid of all that junk food and replacing it with healthy alternatives and fruits and veggies. Out of sight out of mind. I at times go to a different gas station so I won't get the pizza and soda out of habit. Or I won't even look that way. I will focus on the line or the cashier until I pay for my gas. It takes allot of determination to do it. I feel proud when I get out of there without buying the junk food that I love.
7. Have a meal plan set
Like they say fail to plan your planning to fail. I from time to time find it hard to plan out my meals and that is when I do fail. There isn't enough food. During football season I will end up eating junk food for meals the whole season if I don’t pay attention. Late practices and early games. Will lead to going thru the drive thru or going to the gas station for a quick snack.
Write out your meals. Have planed days you eat certain foods.
Meatloaf Monday
Taco Tuesday
Breakfast for dinner
Chinese day
8. Give yourself enough time
It won’t happen overnight. If it does, good for your! Your amazing. It takes 21 days to form a habit. 21 days may sound like a long time. But if you focus on the right know and each meal or snack. Before you know it you are eating right. Drinking all the good drinks for you. I know you can do it. Give yourself enough time.
9. Use the resources available to you
I research on pinterest all the time. I find new recipes or meal plans and I use it. I have even formed a pdf book of recipes and tips. I used for feeding my large family. How I turned to healthy alternatives. I want to give you a Free pdf ebook. Click the link and enjoy my book I hope you find it useful!
Thank you for taking time to read my tips and tricks. If you have any questions or want to learn a way to work with me one on one. Email me @ MomaTawnya@gmail.com
Have a FITtastic day
Tawnya Cummings